Darrell Stumler, PT, MSPT, tDPT
Physical Therapy
Darrell has been practicing Physical Therapy in Athens since 2005. He has 18 years of experience in Outpatient Orthopedics and Acute Care in private practice and hospital based settings. He completed his MSPT in 2000 from UNG and more recently finished up his Musculoskeletal Management DPT through EIM in 2016. Darrell came to PT as a second career out of a desire to help people overcome their physical impairments and return to the activities that they enjoy. Darrell played high school and collegiate soccer.
Specialty Services
BBA Management from University of North Georgia
MSPT from University of North Georgia
Musculoskeletal Management tDPT from Evidence in Motion
BOARD Certifications
Cert. MDT
Hospital Affiliations
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He enjoys spending time with his wife, 2 boys, dog, and cat.
His hobbies include biking, supporting Atlanta United and Manchester United football clubs, and fly fishing.
Military Service